Administrative Policy Assessment and Gap Analysis


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As part of its STAR Center services, ASTHO can help jurisdictions strengthen infrastructure and capacity of administrative policies and procedures. Depending on the specific needs of the jurisdiction, technical assistance activities could include:

  • Appling a quality improvement lens to organizational policies. Using QI tools such as a team charter, process mapping, prioritization matrix, implementation plan, risk management.
  • Sharing promising practices collected from key informant interviews with states and territories that helped inform the guide, including ways to better organize, access, and communicate policies.
  • Establishing or re-establishing a cross-agency Policy Review Committee that promotes staff engagement in policy development and greater understanding and compliance with policies and procedures.
  • Learning approaches to assessing policies and gaps using information within your agency and ASTHO’s self-assessment tool.
  • Learning best practices and new tools and templates that promote standardization and consistency of written policies for better compliance.
  • Prioritizing gaps and building an action plan to monitor and track development of critical policies that are missing, or that need to be reviewed and updated.
  • Learning about jurisdictions’ innovative policies to better support the workforce, rebuild infrastructure and respond to emerging threats.


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Guide on Conducting a Policy Assessment and Gap Analysis

October 24, 2023

This guide is a resource for public health agencies interested in improving administrative and operational policies and processes. It provides information on the type, organization, and structure of administrative and operational policies that may be found in public health agencies. Several tools assist health departments to assess existing administrative policies, identify and prioritize gaps and apply a quality improvement lens to existing processes for administrative and operational policy development and review.

Get the English Guide (PDF) Descarga la versión completa de la guía en español (PDF)

ASTHO Connects

Webinar: How State Health Agencies Can Address Gaps in the Policy Review Process

August 27, 2024

Policies play an essential role in an organization's operations, providing guidance on how decisions should be made and ensuring administrative and programmatic activities comply with laws and regulations. Understanding and implementing a comprehensive policy development guide is crucial for successful operations.

An efficient and effective policy development, review, and update process is critical to a robust operational infrastructure.

Watch the webinar to learn about ASTHO's Guide on Conducting an Administrative Policy Assessment and Gap Analysis and how the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services used it and technical assistance to successfully update and improve their process, including developing an engaged policy review committee.

Watch the Recording on YouTube