ASTHO’s PH-HERO Initiative Addresses Workforce Wellbeing

The Public Health – Hope, Equity, Resilience, and Opportunity (PH-HERO) initiative is designed to address workforce burnout, moral injury, and aid in overall retention and recruitment efforts to support a culture of well-being and resilience within state and territorial public health agencies. PH-HERO is building upon the best available evidence for designing thriving workplaces using a trauma informed approach and equity framework

After analysis of the existing research, assessment of needs and readiness, PH-HERO is working with five pilot state health agencies. Through a facilitated process, the pilot sites identified their workforce well-being priority actions and are participating in training from ASTHO and key partners, coaching, resource sharing, peer learning, and providing feedback. ASTHO has developed the PH-HERO Workforce Resource Center, a curated collection of workforce well-being resources to take action to support the public health workforce.   

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