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Polarity Thinking: Leading During a Pandemic

Leading a governmental health department is a complex job during the best of times, but particularly so during a pandemic when leaders must navigate every step carefully. In this episode, our guests introduce and discuss a concept called ...

Chief Health Strategists: How Public Health Leaders Can Be Successful Working Across the Health Landscape, Part II

This episode, the second of a two-part series, continues the conversation on moving from concept into practice, as well as how to apply ASTHO's three pillars for population health improvement to support clinical to community ...

Gratitude Amid Struggle: Celebrating Wins in the COVID-19 Response

Anne Zink (Chief Medical Officer, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services) and Larry Lewis (licensed psychologist and executive coach) speak on the importance of celebrating “small wins”—tangible stories of progress that can ...

Chief Health Strategists: How Public Health Leaders Can Be Successful Working Across the Health Landscape, Part I

This episode is the first in a two-part series that will explore how the concept of chief health strategist is defined, how it works, and how public health leaders can rethink their approach to be more effective in their communities.

Helping the Helpers Address Youth Mental Health

A public health approach is needed to address youth mental health by supporting frontline staff through a “helping the helpers” model. In this episode, experts discuss strategies and promising state practices for cross-sector ...

Building Back a Stronger Public Health Workforce Post-Pandemic

The experts on today’s episode make the case for how a robust public health workforce could have changed the trajectory of the pandemic response, but also explain why we can reimagine what a strong public health workforce requires as we ...