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Supporting Positive Mental Health Through Food Security and Good Nutrition


As the conversation about the importance of mental health continues to unfold, health agencies have a critical role to play in supporting positive mental health outcomes through nutrition support and ...

Inclusive Contracting: Successes to Advance Breastfeeding Equity


Though now an illegal practice, government contracts, policies, and practices have generally excluded women, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Still, practices and existing structures ...

Building a More Equitable Food and Nutritional Assistance System Post-Pandemic: Perspective From Feeding America


The need for food and nutritional assistance is growing. Based on Feeding America’s food insecurity projections released in March, it is anticipated that 42 million people may experience food ...

Integrating Breastfeeding Into Early Childhood Nutrition Security Programs


Breastfeeding is a key protective factor against infant and toddler nutrition insecurity and is the ideal source of nutrition for most infants, since it adapts to each child’s unique nutritional ...

How States are Using Policy to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity


Approximately 700 women die annually in the U.S. between 2007-2016 as a result of pregnancy or its complications, according to CDC data. This is one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the ...

Strategic Policies Protect Breastfeeding in Workplaces and Schools


Families who wish to breastfeed in the United States often face barriers in workplace and school settings. To address these disparities, federal, state, and territorial governments are adopting ...

Changes to School Nutrition Programs Helping Curb Pandemic-Related Impacts

The National School Lunch Program, a federally-assisted meal program run by USDA, has provided millions of children with nutritionally balanced, low-cost or no-cost lunches each school day.

The Importance of Collecting Data on Pregnant Women and Infants During Public Health Emergencies


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted pregnant people and infants more severely than some other populations. As such, it is important to pay special attention to this vulnerable group.