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How States are Using Policy to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity


Approximately 700 women die annually in the U.S. between 2007-2016 as a result of pregnancy or its complications, according to CDC data. This is one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the developed world. On top of that, there are ...

The Epidemic of Epidemics: Opioids, Part I

In the Public Health Review podcast debut, host Robert Johnson speaks with public health officials from Alaska, Kentucky, and West Virginia about the ongoing opioid epidemic in the U.S. and its intersections with other epidemics like ...

Polysubstance Use During Pregnancy and the Benefits of Universal Verbal Screening

Polysubstance Use During Pregnancy and the Benefits of Universal Verbal Screening polysubstance use, universal verbal screening, health equity, polysubstance use during pregnancy, public health, substance use disorder, health problems, ...

Best Practices for States to Identify and Address Breast Cancer Disparities


ASTHO was funded by CDC to create a breast cancer disparities learning community to help health departments in Arizona, Tennessee, and West Virginia identify and address the unique state and local disparities in breast cancer screening ...

States Consider Role of COVID-19 Vaccination for School Enrollment


This week might have marked the beginning of summer, but many policymakers and health officials have their eye on the upcoming school year and what that might mean in terms of getting students vaccinated against COVID-19. According to a ...

The Epidemic of Epidemics: Opioids, Part II

The second half of Public Health Review's story on the opioid epidemic explores how coalitions in Kentucky are driving prevention efforts, what public health practitioners in West Virginia are doing to identify and care for newborns ...

States Tackle the Climbing Maternal Mortality Rate in the U.S.


There are two alarming health trends on the rise affecting women across the United States: maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity. This post is an overview of legislative activity from the current session to address the high ...