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Jurisdictions Using Policy to Address Unique Island Area Health Challenges


ASTHO has several members from the territories and Freely Associated States—jurisdictions with unique challenges, and do not fall under the category of a state or federal district. This post is a ...

Insular Areas Consider Variety of Public Health Related Legislation


Each year, ASTHO tracks and analyzes key legislation that impacts public health, and highlights the emerging trends for our members. While the bulk of the tracked legislation arises in state ...

Domestic Holiday Travel Pandemic Restrictions and Recommendations


The 2020 holiday season is coinciding with a nationwide surge of COVID-19 cases. With great concern that holiday travel to see loved ones may exacerbate community spread of the virus, many states are ...

Including Island Areas in Federal Public Health Datasets


Collecting and sharing data are crucially important to improving health equity, because those datasets inform effective policymaking. Despite having some of the most challenging population health ...

Health Equity Policy Toolkit


This toolkit is designed to support public health leaders in leveraging the policy development process to achieve health equity in their jurisdiction.

State Policies to Improve Youth Mental Health and Reduce Suicides


The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted youth mental health, particularly as a result of school closures, social isolation, family economic hardship, fear of family loss or illness, and reduced ...

Overcoming Baked-In Inequities and Promoting Health Equity in the Island Areas


Many health equity frameworks have been built in the context of the states, as such, they do not always translate easily to the U.S. territories and freely associated states.

State and Territorial Caregiver Wellness Policies May Reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences


People exposed to adverse childhood experiences are at risk for negative physical and/or mental health outcomes, substance use disorders, and unfavorable social outcomes in adulthood. One known risk ...

Sharing Island Stories on Health Equity: Setting the Stage for Equity in the Island Areas


In the spring of 2022, ASTHO’s island area members convened at the first island-focused COVID-19 Health Equity Action Institutes and asked each other what creating an equitable and sustainable public ...

Jurisdictions Moving Many ASTHO Essential Tobacco Control Policies Forward


Over the past several years, states and jurisdictions have continued to implement important policies to reduce tobacco and nicotine use, including increasing tobacco prices, expanding areas deemed ...

Avoiding the Cliff: Financing Medicaid in the Territories

Medicaid plays a critical role in providing access to health services for low-income U.S. citizens in the five U.S. territories. However, Medicaid financing in the territories has been underfunded ...