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Domestic Holiday Travel Pandemic Restrictions and Recommendations


The 2020 holiday season is coinciding with a nationwide surge of COVID-19 cases. With great concern that holiday travel to see loved ones may exacerbate community spread of the virus, many states are ...

Updated Rundown of State and Territorial COVID-19 Mask Requirements


Several states and territories, as well as many local governments, are going beyond recommendations and requiring individuals to wear face coverings when they are in public settings and spaces (i.e. ...

Insular Areas Consider Variety of Public Health Related Legislation


Each year, ASTHO tracks and analyzes key legislation that impacts public health, and highlights the emerging trends for our members. While the bulk of the tracked legislation arises in state ...

Jurisdictions Using Policy to Address Unique Island Area Health Challenges


ASTHO has several members from the territories and Freely Associated States—jurisdictions with unique challenges, and do not fall under the category of a state or federal district. This post is a ...

State Policies to Improve Youth Mental Health and Reduce Suicides


The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted youth mental health, particularly as a result of school closures, social isolation, family economic hardship, fear of family loss or illness, and reduced ...

How States Can Leverage JUUL Settlement Funds to Promote Public Health


To address the youth tobacco epidemic, jurisdictions filed lawsuits against JUUL to end their marketing practices aimed at youth and to obtain compensation from the financial toll experienced by ...

How the Emergence of Xylazine Impacts Overdose Prevention Policy


How the Emergence of Xylazine Impacts Overdose Prevention Policy overdose prevention policy, overdose crisis, fatal overdoses, emergence of xylazine, illicit drug supply, toxicological testing, ...

ASTHO Addresses Insular Areas Health Equity Through Federal Engagement


As the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, ASTHO is committed to the T in our name. The health officials from the territories and freely-associated states are valued members and we ...

States and Territories Strengthening Infection Prevention and Control Policies


While largely preventable, healthcare-associated infections are the most common complication of hospital care, are a leading cause of death in the United States, and increased significantly during ...

Jurisdictions Moving Many ASTHO Essential Tobacco Control Policies Forward


Over the past several years, states and jurisdictions have continued to implement important policies to reduce tobacco and nicotine use, including increasing tobacco prices, expanding areas deemed ...

State and Territorial Caregiver Wellness Policies May Reduce Adverse Childhood Experiences


People exposed to adverse childhood experiences are at risk for negative physical and/or mental health outcomes, substance use disorders, and unfavorable social outcomes in adulthood. One known risk ...

Long COVID Causes Health Policy Shifts Across States

Data reveals that nearly one third of COVID-19 patients experience one or more post-COVID conditions that linger for weeks or months after infection. The cause, duration, and potential treatments for ...