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Legislative Action Bridging Public Health and Clinical Healthcare


Three ways policymakers are addressing access to care are through telehealth, safety net and emergency services, and adjusted reimbursement rates to Medicaid-enrolled providers.

Domestic Holiday Travel Pandemic Restrictions and Recommendations


The 2020 holiday season is coinciding with a nationwide surge of COVID-19 cases. With great concern that holiday travel to see loved ones may exacerbate community spread of the virus, many states are ...

Harm Reduction Policies Can Prevent Overdose Fatalities

Adopting a public health approach to substance use by implementing harm reduction policies across all levels of government can help communities address the overdose crisis. This post analyzes e

How the Emergence of Xylazine Impacts Overdose Prevention Policy


How the Emergence of Xylazine Impacts Overdose Prevention Policy overdose prevention policy, overdose crisis, fatal overdoses, emergence of xylazine, illicit drug supply, toxicological testing, ...