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Community Health Workers and the Heart of Public Health


Over the years evidence has expanded on community health workers (CHWs) improving outcomes and even reducing disparities in heart disease and many other public health priority areas. However, their presence in state and local public health ...

An Unprecedented Public Health Thank You Day


If there is any word to describe 2020 it is “unprecedented,” with the work of health agencies front and center since COVID-19 emerged in the U.S. But as we approach Public Health Thank You Day and the Thanksgiving season, ASTHO wants to ...

State and Territorial Policies to Strengthen the Public Health and Healthcare Workforce


Accompanying an infusion of federal funding, states are considering several policy changes to strengthen the public health workforce and address challenges within the health care workforce.

Hearing the Hill


Hearing the Hill astho, association of state and territorial health officials, opioid crisis, covid-19 funds, public health, public health data and workforce, american rescue plan, promoting health, drug overdose death, coronavirus ...

Preparing for and Responding to Infectious Disease Threats Following Hurricanes


Following a hurricane, the risk of exposure to infectious disease increases due, in part, to the presence of floodwater and debris. Hurricanes may contribute to population displacement and overcrowding—further heightening risk factors for ...

Expanding Vaccination Site Accessibility: Insights From the Field

ASTHO placed 14 disability and preparedness specialists in health agencies to support inclusivity of people living with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. In this brief, three of these specialists share their experiences ...

How States are Bolstering a Contact Tracing Workforce


To help break the chain of COVID-19 infections, state and local health departments are conducting disease investigations and contact tracing, core tools of public health practice used to combat the spread of communicable diseases. This ...

The Public Health Workforce in the COVID-19 Era: Survey Results Characterize their Work, Needs, Roles, and Satisfaction


On Aug. 3, 2022, ASTHO and the de Beaumont Foundation announced the 2021 PH WINS findings. They provide a unique snapshot of the state and local government public health workforce.

Polarity Thinking: Leading During a Pandemic

Leading a governmental health department is a complex job during the best of times, but particularly so during a pandemic when leaders must navigate every step carefully. In this episode, our guests introduce and discuss a concept called ...

Exploring the Effect of Public Health Crises on Health Equity Leadership


Exploring the Effect of Public Health Crises on Health Equity Leadership ASTHO, association of state and territorial health officials, public health, social determinants of health, centers for disease control, public health crisis, health ...

Public Health Infrastructure Proposals Gain Steam in Congress


The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the consequences of decades of underfunding. To ensure we are better prepared for future pandemics and biological threats, we must consider the long-term investments required to bolster our public ...

Reflections From the Field: Pacific and Atlantic Jurisdictions Remain Resolute Amid Adversity


In the late fall of 2021, ASTHO leadership visited select jurisdictions in the Pacific and the Atlantic for the first time since COVID-19 curtailed travel to these regions. It was a fantastic to reconnect with our leadership and dedicated ...

The Historic Opportunity COVID-19 Presents to Address Health Equity


The disparities experienced during the COVID pandemic have brought a national focus to health equity in our nation. The attention and resources currently being provided to help address health inequities provide an opportunity that I have ...

Public Health Thank You Day: Thoughts From ASTHO Leadership


Every year on Nov. 22, ASTHO—and countless other agencies and organizations worldwide—take a moment to acknowledge the public health workforce on Public Health Thank You Day. Like so many other days of recognition, it has become a blip on ...

Update for Public Health Workforce About Federal Loan Forgiveness


In addition to the countless hours worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, many public health workers are also grappling with how to repay outstanding federal loans. In response, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) recently announced ...

Communicating Public Health Guidance to Cases and Contacts: Recommendations for COVID-19 Case Investigators and Contact Tracers

The fear, uncertainty, and trauma caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have affected how individuals interpret public health messages. With this in mind, this brief outlines recommendations for case investigators and contact tracers to consider ...

Leadership Trailblazer Spotlight: Mark Levine, MD, Commissioner, Vermont Department of Health


This interview is part of ASTHO’s Leadership Trailblazers series, which shares outstanding public health leaders’ inspirations, motivations, and accomplishments. This post features Mark Levine, MD, commissioner of the Vermont Department of ...