Letter from the CEO

December 12, 2022 | Michael Fraser

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Dear Colleague,

From investing in public health agency infrastructure to enacting public health policy interventions, state and territorial legislatures play a critical role in advancing public health. While you and your colleagues will consider hundreds of issues during the 2023 sessions, ASTHO has identified 10 public health policy issues to watch for the upcoming year and identified additional legislative trends in our 2023 Legislative Prospectus Series. We would like to share these resources with you as you prepare for the upcoming legislative session.

The ASTHO 2023 Legislative Prospectus Series includes a brief review of each of the ten public health policy topics that include: data modernization and privacy, environmental health, health equity, HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, immunization, mental health, overdose prevention, public health agency infrastructure and authority, and reproductive health. Designed to provide a snapshot review for public health professionals and policymakers alike, prior briefs have helped leaders advance evidence-based public health policies through the legislative process in their states and territories.

ASTHO will continue to support and equip public health leaders working to advance the public’s health and well-being through legislative change. From engaging the ASTHO Legislative Liaison Peer Network to our ASTHO State Health Policy team’s legislative tracking efforts, we will continue to monitor these important public health policy issues and provide several updates during the year. We look forward to sharing additional resources with you in the future.

Most sincerely,

Michael Fraser, PhD, MS, CAE, FCPP
Chief Executive Officer