Becoming an SLRC Member

Are you a former state, territorial, or federal health agency leader retired from government service who desires to use your expertise to support health agency leaders in addressing their toughest challenges?

In collaboration with CDC, the Senior Leader Reserve Corps (SLRC) is a flexible and innovative program through which former health agency leaders use their specific expertise to provide technical assistance (TA) to current state/territorial health agency leaders. Upon receiving a request for TA, ASTHO turns to this pool of former leaders to serve as paid expert consultants to health agencies.

The role of the SLRC member can include strategic thought partner, tactical implementer, objective third party, outside voice, advisor, subject matter expert, and more.

Each project is custom built around the health agency’s needs. ASTHO works closely with the agency to develop a project proposal, and then matches with an SLRC member with relevant expertise to support them in addressing the challenge.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Senior Leader Reserve Corps?

The SLRC is a unique approach to providing leadership level technical assistance to current state/territorial health agency leaders. A consultant pool of experienced former public health executive leaders with specific expertise will be matched to state and island health agencies to help current leaders address their toughest challenges as support is requested.

How does the matching process work?

After the development of a project proposal, SLRC members will be matched by ASTHO in collaboration with the requesting agencies. Factors that may be considered in matching include expertise and experience in the requested topic area, experience with a similar health agency structure or governance classification, similar political administrations, and availability for the type of technical assistance needed.

What methods of technical assistance will I be asked to provide?

As a program designed to best meet current health agency leader needs, SLRC members may be asked to provide a range of technical assistance such as single phone or videocall consultation, a series of consultations, or developing materials or conducting research for the health department. SLRC members may also provide onsite technical assistance to health agencies.

How many matches will I receive?

SLRC requests are sporadic and often highly specific, and ultimately matches are dependent upon the number and type of technical assistance requests made by health agencies. There is no guarantee that every SLRC member will be matched to provide technical assistance. ASTHO appreciates your willingness to join the program and potentially provide support to current leaders, and we hope that we can match every member on our roster!

What is the time commitment? What happens if my availability changes?

Each project is unique, and time requirements will vary. By registering to join the SLRC, you are indicating interest in being matched to provide technical assistance, but you are under no obligation to accept any matches that are offered. The initial registration form asks about availability, but we will not use availability as a determining factor in contacting you about a potential match as we know that availability frequently changes.

How is SLRC different from ASTHO’s alumni mentoring program?

ASTHO’s alumni mentoring program is specifically designed to support new state/territorial health officials entering their role, with trained alumni mentors providing guidance and an experienced perspective on the role of the health official. SLRC is designed to support health officials, regardless of tenure, and their executive teams address a specific challenge in their agency through tactical on-demand technical assistance. While many of our members are former health officials themselves, we have members from all areas of health department senior leadership.

Will I be compensated for my participation?

Yes—SLRC members will be compensated at a rate of $150/hour for time spent providing technical assistance when matched. Upon first match, members will need to ensure their registration is active and return a signed contract to ASTHO within five business days of receipt.

I know a former senior leader who would be a great fit for this program. How can I get them involved?

We love recommendations of former leaders! Specifically, we welcome recommendations of former leaders such as health officials, senior deputies, chief financial officers, and others in executive leadership roles. Please reach out to with their name and contact information.

Who can I contact with questions about the Senior Leader Reserve Corps program?

Please reach out to with any questions.