Healthcare-Associated Infections

ASTHO works with stakeholders to support state health agencies in decreasing and preventing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) by addressing priorities at the state and regional levels. ASTHO also maintains situational awareness of HAI-related policies and initiatives, shares this information with our members, and represents the state health agency perspective.


Partner Coordination Efforts to Strengthen Infection Prevention and Control Practices

This report covers strategies for mitigating the spread of infections in healthcare facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges the pandemic posed to staffing, personal protective equipment, and capacity.

Get the Report (PDF)

Considerations for State Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance Outbreak Reporting Policies

ASTHO formulated recommendations for crafting or maintaining more effective healthcare-associated infection/antimicrobial resistance (HAI/AR) reporting policies, following interviews with nine state healthcare-associated infection coordinators.

Get the Policies (PDF)

Tips For Engaging Policymakers To Advance State HAI Prevention Policy Initiatives

This guide provides strategies for working with stakeholders to advance policy initiatives that can improve patient safety, and profiles the experience of two states—New Jersey and Tennessee—that successfully advanced HAI prevention policy initiatives.

Get the Tips (PDF)

Latest HAI Resources

Midsection of elderly person laying in a hospital bed with oximeter on their finger

From the Chief Medical Officer: Preventing Respiratory Disease Spread with Less Authority, More Influence

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Enhancing Dialysis Safety: Voices from the Making Dialysis Safer Coalition

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How Can Health Agencies Support HAI/AR Staff Recruitment and Retention title card
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How Can Health Agencies Support HAI/AR Staff Recruitment and Retention?

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Video recording title card for How Can Health Agencies Support HAI/AR Program Alignment and Structure Reassessment interview
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How Can Health Agencies Support HAI/AR Program Alignment and Structure Reassessment?

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ASTHO Health Policy Update image: two doctors in a hospital hallways conferring over a patient chart

States and Territories Strengthening Infection Prevention and Control Policies

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Illustration of doctor gesturing at poster of a disease molcule. Vaccine ampoule and syringe lie below the poster

Eight Ways Health Department Leaders Can Support Effective HAI/AR Programs

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Partner Coordination Efforts to Strengthen Infection Prevention and Control Practices

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Infection Prevention and Outbreak Control in Dialysis Settings

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The Council for Outbreak Response and Healthcare-Associated Infections: ASTHO, along with the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists, convenes public health and healthcare stakeholders and partners to improve practices and policies at the local, state, and national levels for the investigation, control, and prevention of healthcare-associated infection/antimicrobial resistance outbreaks across the healthcare continuum.